Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Progress...

Our technology committee met this week and I left there quite discouraged. Of our 75 laptops we have had in the previous years, 26 of them are broken. I know that I should be thankful for the laptops that we do have, however, at a time when I am anxious and enthusiastic to implement new lessons into my classroom with my students, it is discouraging to learn that our mode of instruction is diminishing. As a second grade teacher I am kind of at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to prioritizing what grade level would benefit the most from the computers and when we are now sharing 49 computers between 636 students, my time available for computer check out is looking slim. In relation to how this is impacting my progress with the goals I have set, I will say that my first instinct was to revamp them as I felt like why bother if we don't have the tools. But then my pouting session ended and I decided to be proactive. I have applied for several grants in hopes of adding more computers back into our school.

Our tech committee has already started discussing what lessons we want to share with the other teachers first to get more technology integrated into the classrooms across the grade levels. My students began blogging today about the books they are reading and I am anxious for more to begin sharing their writing on the blog as the week progresses. Parents are actively checking the class website and responding to my emails. I am hoping to get parents to begin commenting on the class blog as well. I think this will be a powerful tool for students, as it guarantees them an audience.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Carrying out my GAME plan...

Well, I have started out doing well...this past week our grade level used digital tools to present our In 1787 poem to the school on school news and I sent the link to the parents as well in honor of Constitution Day. For those interested, here is the link:

In order to continue working towards meeting my goals, I will need to continue to utilize the "experts" around me (i.e. my husband and colleagues). The biggest factor I will need is time. Time to play and familiarize myself with the tools available. Being a school that is a Power library is also working towards my advantage, as our teacher librarian understands the importance and value of the ISTE standards. Our technology committee has yet to meet this school year, but I am anxious to begin bouncing ideas off of them as well.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Personal GAME Plan...

As soon as I dare to think I am doing well at integrating technology effectively, I am reminded to quickly look at the ISTE educational technology standards for teachers (which I have located right inside the cover of my plan book, so don't worry my head never gets too big). While I know that I am actively growing in my ability to effectively use technology, I also know that creating a game plan to successfully reach my goals is crucial. The two goals I am setting for myself to improve upon are: 1.Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments,and 2.Model Digital-Age Work and Learning.

Action Plan...

Well, the first step is committing to the goals and believing that their is value in reaching them. So I guess I am already on the right track. Realistically though, I know that this is not enough. Shoot, if it were, I would have already lost that extra twenty pounds:) On a serious note though, to achieve my goals I plan to hold myself accountable for providing at least one (hopefully two) new lessons that provide relevant learning experiences while incorporating digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity a month. I plan to then email the finished lessons or post them on my website so that parents are able to see the digital-age work and learning occurring in the classroom. Engaging in more professional growth opportunities to collaborate will be beneficial as well. I like the convenience of knowing that I can collaborate online and at flexible times. This should be helpful towards my success.

Progress Monitoring...

I will be able to monitor my progress because I have already told my student's parents to expect this from me. We all know that parents are quick to tell us if we have not done something;) Plus, I am pretty sure my guilt factor would kick in pretty quick.

Evaluation and Extension...

The lessons I plan to provide will not allow me to find comfort with a sense of control. As many of the lessons will be open ended and "risky." Which means I will truly be looking at the learning occurring and the outcomes learned. I am excited for the new venture and possibilities. As for extending my goals, I do not think I am ready for that...I am a bit overwhelmed just thinking about what I have just committed myself to!