Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Carrying out my GAME plan...

Well, I have started out doing well...this past week our grade level used digital tools to present our In 1787 poem to the school on school news and I sent the link to the parents as well in honor of Constitution Day. For those interested, here is the link:

In order to continue working towards meeting my goals, I will need to continue to utilize the "experts" around me (i.e. my husband and colleagues). The biggest factor I will need is time. Time to play and familiarize myself with the tools available. Being a school that is a Power library is also working towards my advantage, as our teacher librarian understands the importance and value of the ISTE standards. Our technology committee has yet to meet this school year, but I am anxious to begin bouncing ideas off of them as well.


  1. Time is a big issue with me also. Have you considered creating a set time each week to work on your goals? I have found that if I schedule time to spend on a certain task, I will actually do it rather than hope I get around to it.

    It sounds like you have a great support system with a technology committee. We have a few people I can talk to for advice, but there is not real tech expert at my site. What does your committee do? Are they responsible for managing technological issues and/or problems? Also, what is a Power library?

  2. Yes, what is a Power Library?

    I am crunched for time also. I am trying to keep up with my new curriculum as a 4th grade teacher. In computer lab we have have created flip books for the VA Regions and also created VA proof products for review. The proof is a blank VA State Template on a Pixi power point program. Students have to draw and add as much detail to map showing what they have learned about the regions. I still have to access a way to use digital cameras in my room. Using digital tools to enhance learning is one of my goals. My tech coordinator is helpful, so I hope that we can work on this in the coming weeks.

  3. A power library is a library that is recognized by an organization here in Colorado that allows schools to apply to receive the accreditation of being referred to as a Power library. In order to be accepted into the program, your school must be actively working with your teacher teacher librarian to integrate technology across all subject areas. The school receives some grant money for being part of the program and must have an appointed committee to attend trainings through out the year.

    Our technology committee is in charge of deciding how our funds will be spent each school year in regards to technology and how the instructional tools will be distributed. For the most part this works well, though at times our principal chooses to use his authority and override our input. As a committee we also host one mini lesson a month for teachers that are interested in expanding their technology integration.
