Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students...

As I think about how I can assist my students in becoming proficient in the technology standards, the first thing that comes to mind is exposure and opportunity. Many of my students have computer assess at home, however they tend to go to the same games and websites they are familiar with. As their teacher I need to provide lessons and time for my students to play and discover. Just as adult learners in technology need time to play and learn, kids also need that time. In fact, it has been my experience that many kids are better at playing and teaching themselves about the computer than many adults. I also think it is my responsibility as their teacher to show my students the standards and explain/model what being proficient at each of them would like. From there, the goal setting comes into play. My students are very familiar with setting goals and using strategies to reach those goals. We goal set in all content areas, it would make sense for us to do the same in technology.

1 comment:

  1. Colleen,

    I think students should have time to discover with technology. Don't you find time to be the enemy? I think that with technology standards taking a back seat to your core classes, it can make it challenging to fit it all into your classroom. I still try to build their technology resume, but I have to make sacrifices.
